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    Project manager in constructions - my ideal job after graduation

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 5 / Words 1189
    • Paper Type: Case Study
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 121


    The market is developing and the need for construction managers is also very impactful so that they can increase the development of the infrastructure to increase the standard of living of the market. In this report, there is brief information about the importance of project management in construction and what challenges the individuals face in becoming project managers. For further understanding, consider seeking homework help to tackle complex project management topics effectively.

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    My Ideal Job

    Project management in construction is a very effective position in the construction industry. The project manager is the person who is responsible to supervise and guide all the contractors and project teams to manage the construction project. The project manager is the single person who has to manage the project and control the integrity of the individuals in the process so that they can increase their efficiency to complete the project effectively. The project forecasting is done by the project manager as they have to evaluate all the factors that are responsible for improving the efficiency of the project so that it can be completed before or on the planned time to decrease the cost of the project.

    Job Description For The Role

    The project manager needs to increase their efficiency to maintain the work efficiency and coordination of the project and make the project effective. A project manager is the sole person who is responsible for maintaining a healthy work environment at the construction site as all the employees have many disputes and many departments are under the project manager.

    • Project managers are responsible for increasing the number of workers by recruiting them for the project and also assessing them according to their skills which are required in the project. The effective requirements will help the project to be more efficient and increase the chance of achieving the objectives faster.

    • The project manager is also responsible for managing the contracts and analyzing the contract which is helping the project. The project manager also needs to analyze the price of the materials and other operations so that they can bargain with the suppliers to decrease the cost of the project and increase the efficiency of the project.

    • The Construction can not be done without an official permit and the project manager must register the project in the legal terms to receive the permit to start the project. The project manager is also responsible for making the project ethical. They are responsible for obtaining permission and licenses for all the operations from the government authority.

    Qualification of Project Managers

    Project managers also need to have some qualifications that will help them to increase the skills and knowledge to manage the project effectively and increase the efficiency of the project.

    1. The project manager should have a minimum bachelor's degree in management. They also need to have the knowledge and experience of business operations and also have worked in the business organization to increase their skills.

    2. The project managers can also have a master's degree in management which will also help them to increase their opportunity to grow in the construction field and increase their income ef

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